Monday, September 15, 2014

The usual suspects

I thought that the Usual Suspects was a great movie with a lot of twists and turns that provided me with a lot of detail that I normally would have missed. I thought that whenever Kevin Spacey was in a scene the cinematography was very dark and kind of mystery feel to it. He gave off this vibe of being the weak one because he broke down talking to the cop and had a lame leg that would have prevented him from fighting back. Whenever verbal was in the shot you could tell there was some back lighting in  the shot.

I thought the movie was very powerful in a variety of way. At the beginning of the movie when Mantis was on the boat wounded in the night time surrounded by fire and the mysterious figure peed on the fire, showing his dominance against him. At the end when Verbal was explaining how he watched his friend die, you never actually see Verbal in the shot only a huge pile of stuff. He could be lying or not to the cop who was grilling him. verbal came up with his story right on the spot spotting things about the guys office that were believable to come up with.

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